
  • Publication Schadule 2025


    VOLUME 11 Edition 2025

    Invited researchers, academics, both lecturers, and students, to discuss the spread of science in the field of health by publishing the results of research in Healthy Tadulako Journal.


    Forward publication for Volume 11 Edition no. 1 of January 2025. The manuscript will be received by Desember 20, 2025 at the latest

    VOL 11 NO 2 PERIOD APRIL 2025

    Forward publication for Volume 11 Edition no. 2 of April 2025. The manuscript will be received by March 20, 2025 at the latest.

    VOL 11 NO 3 PERIOD JULY 2025

    Forward publication for Volume 11 Edition no. 3 of July 2025. The manuscript will be received by May 20, 2025 at the latest.

    VOL 11 NO 4 PERIOD OCTOBER 2025 

    Forward publication for Volume 11 Edition no. 4 of October 2025. The manuscript will be received by September 20, 2025 at the latest.

    Read more about Publication Schadule 2025
  • Call For Paper HTJ Vol 11 No. 1 Januari 2025


    Call For Papers

    Kami mengundang para peneliti, akademisi dan praktis  untuk mengirimkan manuskrip hasil penelitian ke Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako), e-ISSN 2502-0749Semua publikasi di jurnal HTJ bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online. silahkan klik disini untuk submit online. Penerimaan manuskrip sudah dimulai dari sekarang. Kami tunggu manuskrip terbaik bapak/ibu untuk publikasi yang berkualitas.

    Adhar Arifuddin, SKM.,M.Kes
    Editor in Chief


    Read more about Call For Paper HTJ Vol 11 No. 1 Januari 2025
  • Publication Schadule 2024


    VOLUME 10 Edition 2024 (Close) 

    Invited researchers, academics, both lecturers, and students, to discuss the spread of science in the field of health by publishing the results of research in Healthy Tadulako Journal.

    VOL 10 NO 1 PERIOD JANUARY 2024 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 10 Edition no. 1 of January 2024. The manuscript will be received by Desember 20, 2024 at the latest

    VOL 10 NO 2 PERIOD APRIL 2024 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 10 Edition no. 2 of April 2024. The manuscript will be received by March 20, 2024 at the latest.

    VOL 10 NO 3 PERIOD JULY 2024 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 10 Edition no. 3 of July 2024. The manuscript will be received by May 20, 2024 at the latest.

    VOL 10 NO 4 PERIOD OCTOBER 2024 (Close) 

    Forward publication for Volume 10 Edition no. 4 of October 2024. The manuscript will be received by September 20, 2024 at the latest.

    Read more about Publication Schadule 2024
  • Publication Schedule 2022


    VOLUME 8 Edition 2022

    Invited researchers, academics, both lecturers, and students, to discuss the spread of science in the field of health by publishing the results of research in Healthy Tadulako Journal.

    VOL 8 NO 1 PERIOD JANUARY 2022 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 8 Edition no. 1 of January 2022. The manuscript will be received by Desember 20, 2022 at the latest

    VOL 8 NO 2 PERIOD MAY 2022 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 8 Edition no. 2 of May 2022. The manuscript will be received by February 25, 2022 at the latest.

    VOL 8 NO 3 PERIOD SEPTEMBER 2022 (Close)

    Forward publication for Volume 8 Edition no. 3 of September 2022. The manuscript will be received by June 30, 2022 at the latest.

    Read more about Publication Schedule 2022