
  • Marsel P.Sampealang
  • Ary Anggara
  • Abd faris


Diphtheria, Corynebacterium, pseudomembrane in tonsillar and pharyngeal areas


Background Diphtheria is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheria. This bacterium will release toxins that cause the formation of pseudomembranes or grayish white membranes on the skin and / or mucosa. Diphtheria will spread to others through saliva splashes, direct contact, and open wounds. This is what causes the transmission of diphtheria which is very high

Case The patient of a boy entered the emergency room at UNDATA Regional General Hospital with 6 days of heat complaints, ups and downs, dropped momentarily with drugs from dr. General; cough 6 days, rarely, phlegm, white color; runny nose 5 days, snot greenish; swallowing pain 3 days, decreased appetite and drinking; swelling in the neck under the chin 3 days; shortness of 2 days, gaining weight; History of immunization An. also incomplete or have never been immunized. Clinical examination found heat (+), swallowing pain (+), pseudomembranous in the tonsillar and pharyngeal area, enlargement of submandibular KGB (+) which resembles bullneck especially in dextra, and dyspnoea (+), suprasternal retraction (+), rough wet rhonki + / +

Conclusion Diphtheria is a disease that must be diagnosed and treated immediately because otherwise it will cause death. The cause of this diphtheria is C diphtheriae which is a gram (+), irregular, immobile, nonporous, leomorphic. The incubation period for these germs is 2-5 days, with clinical symptoms of mild sore throat, 38.9ºC heat







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