Resistensi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Mekanisme Kerja Antiretroviral
HIV, Antiretroviral, mechanism, virusAbstract
Penggunaan obat antiretrovirus pada pasien HIV merupakan langkah utama yang digunakan dalam menekan jumlah virus dalam tubuh. Obat ARV terdiri atas beberapa golongan seperti nucleoside reserve transcriptase inhibitor, nucleotide reserve transcriptase inhibitor, nonnucleoside reserve transcriptase inhibitor dan inhibitor protease. Cara kerja obat ARV ini dapat dibedakan menjadi empat titik kerja yaitu saat virus masuk (entry), awal replikasi (early replication), akhir replikasi (late replication) dan perakitan virus (assembly). Mutasi pada virus terjadi Ketika virus mengalami kesalahan dalam proses perbanyakan diri pada sel inangnya. Beberapa fakktor yang mempengaruhi mutasi ini antara lain yaitu kepatuhan, efek samping obat yang menyebabkan penghentian obat, absorbsi buruk, dosis suboptimal, serta resistensi virus. Mutasi virus ini akan mengakibatkan dampak yang kurang menguntungkan bagi pasien jika terjadi pada titik kerja arv. Secara berkala disarankan pasien untuk melakukan tes resistensi agar terpantau obat yang digunakan efektif untuk pengobatan.
The use of antiretroviral drugs in HIV patients is the main step used in suppressing the amount of virus in the body. ARV drugs consist of several groups such as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and protease inhibitors. The way these ARV drugs work can be divided into four points of action, namely when the virus enters, early replication, late replication, and virus assembly. Mutations in viruses occur when viruses experience errors in the process of self-replication in their host cells. Some of the factors that influence this mutation include adherence, drug side effects that lead to drug discontinuation, poor absorption, suboptimal doses, and viral resistance. Mutation of this virus will have an unfavorable impact on the patient if it occurs at the point of action of ARV. Patients are periodically advised to carry out resistance tests so that the drugs used are monitored to be effective for treatment.