
  • Arkam
  • Asrawaty Sofyan
  • M. Sabir


onychomycosis, nails, tinea pedis, griseofulvin, miconazole


Background: Onychomycosis is the most common nail disease and accounts for 50% of all causes of onychodystrophy. The incidence of dermatophytosis infections is experienced by 20% of people from all over the world. The incidence of dermatophytosis generally occurs at the age of 20-50 years and this disease causes pain and discomfort and reduces the aesthetics of the nail which is chronic and difficult to treat. In this case there was onychomycosis accompanied by the presence of tinea pedis so that there was interest in reporting this case and to find out how to diagnose starting from the history, physical examination, investigations to management.

Case Summary: A 52-year-old female patient came with complaints of broken nails, thickened shape and a yellowish white mass that gathered at the edges and at the base of the nail, a yellow-brown color was found in the nail folds since 3 months ago and has worsened in 1 month. final.

Conclusion: In this case, distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis was diagnosed with chronic intertriginous tinea pedis in a 52-year-old woman. The predisposing factor for infection in this case is thought to be due to old age and his habit of contacting the fields without gloves and rarely washing his hands after work. Patients were treated with Griseofulvin 1 x 1 tab (500 mg)/day, for 3-6 months, Cetirizine 10 mg (1 x 1) for 5 days, Miconazole cream 2% (smeared thinly 2-3 times/day). Clinical and mycological improvement was achieved after eight weeks of treatment, which included itching, pain, reduced palm fissure, thinner subungual hyperkeratosis and new healthy nails starting to grow from proximal, also no hyphae in the KOH preparation of nail clippings.





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